There's much to see on the site. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us, then come back...
There's much to see on the site. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us, then come back...
When a person is free, unencumbered, and feels safe, the person wants to do more.
After writing the book Walking Afraid,“ pushing pass the “No‘s” and depression, I have challenged myself to bring thought provoking messages to people around the world and then show them how to WIN!
Are you ready to be inspired? Does your organization need strategic changes that are impactful? CARNELA RENEE HILL is a dynamic and engaging motivational speaker, chaplain, coach, advocate and leader who has been inspiring audiences and making a difference in communities for over a decade. With a focus on transformational living, thriving communities, personal growth, and development, CARNELA RENEE HILL will help you unlock your full potential and achieve your goals. She will transform your organization and cultivate an environment for thriving environments. Browse our website to learn more about CARNELA RENEE HILL's services, upcoming events, and client testimonials. Contact us today to book CARNELA RENEE HILL for your next event and start your journey towards success!
What is it that is holding you in the present and keeping you from accessing the NEXT BEST? This presentation is built on years of working in the corporate world. As an entrepreneur, Carnela can work with groups who are trying to stay ahead of the next wave and build synergies. She will help you and your team figure out how to identify the distractions, document a workable plan, with realistic action items to move forward customized to the needs of the individual or group.
Are you connecting then failing or failing to connect? Relationship building at home, work and in the community drives your NEXT! Either you are on board or fighting the process. We help you and your team understand, the process is necessary. Your success depends upon others!
If you are talking more than the person that you are trying to reach, then you just lost whatever you hoped to accomplish. Most people hate fast talkers and those that talk too much. Learn when to be quiet and when to negotiate. Silence can be golden! Are your words hurting you or helping you? Somebody is always watching you. This is a workshop on listening and winning. The workshop can be customized to include negotiating skills to WIN.
Carnela Hill challenges individuals to face their fears, step up their game and give it everything they got. If you are fortunate to be around her, she will not allow you to shrink back. She is a WINNER and believes in and expects you to WIN too. I endorse her and continue to bring her in to speak to aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs. <
Carnela Hill challenges individuals to face their fears, step up their game and give it everything they got. If you are fortunate to be around her, she will not allow you to shrink back. She is a WINNER and believes in and expects you to WIN too. I endorse her and continue to bring her in to speak to aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs. <Dr. Larry Woods, Business Professor at St. Augustine University>
It’s said that we remain the same over time except for the books we read and the people we meet. I rely on a very few number of people for their opinion and perspective about various situations. Carnela is usually the first one I call in these times, because I know she will give me thoughtful and honest advice even if it conflicts with my own opinion. I can honestly say that her input has helped me better manage my business and that I am a better person because I have the honor to call Carnela a peer and friend. I challenge you to ask anyone that knows her and you will find that the experiences of interaction with her will vary but the story will remain the same. <J. Davies>
Ms. Hill has a long list of accolades, but they all pale in comparison to her ultimate gift to our community. Her story of resilience (entrepreneurship, professional, and personal) resonates and gives hope. Carnela is hope personified! The intangible power of hope is what audiences hear every week on her shows and can be found in her every endeavor. She has been an inspiration to all who know her for a lifetime. She inspires and leads in various areas, because she truly has a servant's heart and a love for people. <S. Taylor>
By Carolyn DeVane Jul 23, 2018
This was a very good book! I took it home after the book signing and only meant to read it for about 30 minutes. I ended up reading the entire book the same day. It was so interesting and motivational that I couldn’t put it down until I read it in its entirety! Now, I am going to sow it into someone else’s life!
When you are tired of fighting and repeating cycles, come be challenged and push through the pain and move to the next level with immediate results using Scriptures and the Walking Afraid Action Plan.
I walked into Carnela Renee Hill's Walking Afraid Devotional Group not knowing what to expect or what I needed to know. I
When you are tired of fighting and repeating cycles, come be challenged and push through the pain and move to the next level with immediate results using Scriptures and the Walking Afraid Action Plan.
I walked into Carnela Renee Hill's Walking Afraid Devotional Group not knowing what to expect or what I needed to know. I knew I was scared but I didn't know what I was scared of. With Carnela's Spirit-guided wisdom and leadership, I quickly found that I was afraid of just being myself and that fear was showing up in multiple places in my life and work. The sessions with this group were all based on chapters of Carnela's transformational book Walking Afraid, and each one felt like it was designed especially for me. I found truth, wisdom, and friendship in a safe space to practice showing up as me. God showed up too, and I am so very grateful to Carnela for responding to His call through her writing and the devotional group that grew out of her book. I'm no longer walking afraid!
Yours out loud,
Helen M., Voice and Communication Coach
Organizations are needing help with addressing a group of issues from a holistic sustainable approach. C3 IMPACT STRATEGIES are coaching, chaplain, and consulting services bottled together. We provide services for corporations and organizations.
When you need a combination strategy for just the executive or leaders, C3 IMPACT STRATEGIES i
Organizations are needing help with addressing a group of issues from a holistic sustainable approach. C3 IMPACT STRATEGIES are coaching, chaplain, and consulting services bottled together. We provide services for corporations and organizations.
When you need a combination strategy for just the executive or leaders, C3 IMPACT STRATEGIES is the answer. It is more than just coaching, the services encompass leadership skills, spiritual direction in an inclusive and belonging way (not isolating a person), facilitation and consulting services. Let us help you drill down and go deeper looking at the root causes of problems from, DEI&B, conflict management, and resiliency.
Teammates struggle when there is a lack of respect, belonging and clarity. Most issues start outside the workplace and are carried onto the job, creating a toxic environment for everyone.
How does the chaplain piece fit in? I am glad you asked the question. Most people believe in a higher power. If you disrespect my beliefs and who I am, I am going to feel uncomfortable about you and guarded, would be the words from that individual.
When corporations, approach the subject of beliefs from a higher level, people are willing to see the uniqueness of a person, not as a threat, but as a gift. The wall is lowered and there is UNITY for a cause!
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goal to send books and supplies to several Children’s Home in Nairobi, Kenya.. Your generous donation will help with the mission to educate, encourage and inspire the college students and single moms in Kenya.
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