🛑 Visit all of our social media platforms for upcoming announcements including and where Carnela Renee Hill will appear next.
🛑 We will have open enrollment for our bi-weekly Devotional Group starting in April, 2025. The Devotional Group is by invitation only.
🛑 Entrepreneurs, Clergy & Community Leaders DO NOT MISS upcoming events.
🛑🎤 PODCASTs SHOWS are back…
😊 Self-Care… We took some time off from our 3 podcasts shows, 1) Faith, Motivation & Leadership, 2) Not Just Your Typical Design Show and 3) Authorship. Stay tuned for the comeback of one of the shows.
😊 A brand NEW SHOW in March, 2025 is coming just for Women! Watch out! ❤️
🛑 If you have followed us on any of our social media platforms, you know we have tons of articles and interviews to share. It is taking us a little longer to load it all to the site. We will have the information for you soon, stay tuned as we prepare to post all of these resources here.
🛑 In the meantime, check out this article, “Faith In Her Business” below.
🛑 Will you share your meditation tips with me?
JOIN ME YR2025, for the release of my next book on MEDITATION with a surprise co-author. You have asked and, I am looking forward to our discussion regarding the book.
🛑 Will you share your business tips and utilizing faith in my business even during the hard times?
JOIN ME YR2025, I will be revealing more about my life and business lessons in a documentary and during my BootCamp Intensive Program starting March 2025. Yes, twenty-four years in business and a lot of lessons to share including the lessons in "Trusting The Process", Keeping the FAITH & REST.
🛑 Our COACHING program was updated to include our Linktree link and additional services, “C3 Impact Strategies” to this page.
Yes, a lot of wonderful things are happening. Stay tuned.
🛑 Check the SHOP monthly for our special combined book sale of our top two books, “Walking Afraid“ and the “Walking Afraid - 30 Day Action Plan."
Actor & Business Mogual, Leon Isaac Kennedy, interviews Carnela Renee Hill
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